The realism in art characterized by depiction of real life in an unusual or striking manner, effects a viewer’s interpretation of the product or service being offered by providing a relatable, but overstimulated, interpretation of our personal (and possibly common) experiences. In the event the experience isn’t shared, then at least the visual can provide the view with a speculative understanding of it.
Search for 5–7 images on Pinterest and create a hyper-realistic experience. These are the five images I found to visually describe my conceptual intention:

Conceptual Intention
In July 2015 during a season of tropical storms, the first floor of my home flooded twice. After several days of rain and indoor floods, mold started to develop in our home—it is at this time I learned I am severely allergic to mold. By day five, after days of non-sleep, I dreamed a bird built a nest in my mouth. When I awoke from the dream, I could still feel the bird in my throat. I opened my mouth to speak; nothing came out—no bird, no voice. I tried to speak, again; I tried to shout out my voice, but again nothing. My goal is to share this experience with viewers. Who knows; maybe it will make a great lozenges ad.