Dreft's BabyMazing
Undergraduate Work / Social Outlet Campaign
Situation Overview
Dreft wants to convince Digital Soon-to-be Moms and Digital Moms of infants and toddlers that during the joys and chaos of babyhood, Dreft is simply the simple choice because its formulated especially for baby laundry, and its the #1 Brand of baby detergent used by Dermatologists on baby clothes in their own home.

Dreft BabyMazing microsite, social media and web banner ad
Marketing Objective
During the four of the most popular months for baby arrivals—June through September, not in that specific order—Dreft wants to be in homes waiting for that precious moment, when baby is carried through the threshold to spend a lifetime with his or her family. Actually, Dreft wants to be there for every precious baby and toddler moment. We know moms worry about harsh and abrasive chemicals touching their baby, so we want to build a long, trustworthy relationship and share our message with them.

Dreft BabyMazing promotional onesies
In order to keep a loyal customer following and to expand out to new customers, I created
the Capture & Share BabyMazing Moments campaign. BabyMazing focused on social media and other digital resources offering digital soon-to-be moms and digital moms of infants and toddlers, who are looking for an emotional and social outlet, the opportunity to share their experiences with others through mom-friendly, baby-oriented websites, blogs and social media. I also designed magazine ads and web banner ads to increase to scope of the campaign’s reach.

Dreft BabyMazing Moments magazine ad